Active Shooter +
Workplace Violence

According to the United States Occupational Health
and Safety Administration, workplace violence is the second-
leading cause of work-site deaths in the United States.

Insurance by Industry  |  Higher Education  |  Active Shooter + Workplace Violence

The frequency and severity of active shooter/workplace violence incidents are increasing each year. The liability and extra expenses tied to these violent acts and/or threats happens immediately. Most standard policies will not respond to an active shooter/workplace violence incident and those that will defend against a lawsuit don’t pay for crisis management related expenses. Consequently, it is important for each institution to understand this liability and make a business decision to insure against this exposure.

IMA understands these risks and offers a global comprehensive and cost-effective policy to help higher education clients respond and recover from such incidents as soon as the incident occurs.

Legal liability coverage with indemnity to address lawsuits that may result from a covered event.

Each year, nearly 2 million American workers
are victims of workplace violence.

Victim Coverages Related to:

+ Psychiatric Care
+ Medical and Dental Care
+ Rehabilitation Expenses
+ Death Benefit/Disability Coverages
+ Funeral/Burial Expenses

Business Expenses Related to:

+ Business Income/Interruption and Extra Expenses
+ Public Relations Counsel
+ Crisis Consultant Expenses
+ Employee Counseling
+ Additional/Temporary Security Measures