Question Overview

Our VOE Benchmark Survey takes the guesswork out of knowing which questions to ask your people. We’ll ensure you’re getting the data you need to answer some of your biggest business questions:


What’s most (and least) important to them in a Total Rewards package?


How do they prefer to be communicated with?


How likely are they to leave in the next year and what would be their reason?


What are the factors (leadership, career path, etc.) that are driving their employee Net Promoter Scores (eNPS)?


Would they recommend your organization and products/services to a friend or colleague?


Do they live your organization’s values?


How satisfied are they with their current experience?


How frequently do they want to provide their voice?

Survey Follow-up

What if your organization is not in a position to take immediate action on the results?

No problem! We’ll help you set the tone and follow-up appropriately to ensure that employee expectations are met.

Set the Tone

Our survey launch template sets the expectation with employees that your organization is participating in a study along with many other organizations. The data from this study will provide high level trends about the employee experience within your industry. Employees won’t be expecting any particular action from your organization.


Upon closing the survey, you’ll receive a high level recap of the results that can be circulated out to your employees. This lets employees know that their voice was heard and that through their participation in the study, your leadership team now has new industry trend information that will guide strategic discussions around the employee experience.

Why Feedback is Critical

Employees who feel their voice is heard at work are 4.6X more likely to feel empowered to perform their best work.Salesforce

60% of employees today have a way to provide feedback. – Qualtrics

When organizations successfully engage their customers & employees they experience a 240% boost in performance related business outcomes. – Gallup State of the American Workforce

14.9% lower turnover for companies who implement regular feedback. – Officevibe

Why IMA?

  • Utilize survey experts with an NPS of over 60 (above 50 considered excellent)
  • Provide a “safe place” for employees to provide feedback
  • Easily obtain meaningful, actionable insights to empower informed decisions


  • Integrate the voice of your employees into your broader benefits strategy
  • Improve Glassdoor ratings to recruit & retain top talent
  • Understand how to optimize your employee spend

Why Participate?

Best Practice

Best practice methodology used to capture data on important aspects of the employee experience such as eNPS, engagement, values, etc.

Quick & Easy

Survey will be simple to deploy with only 24 questions that will take employees <10 minutes to complete.

Know Where You Stand

Capture your baseline information and see how your industry/organization compares to others.

Strategic Approach

Opportunities for continued partnership & development of follow-up VOE surveys & action planning.

Benchmark dashboard with industry breakdown available at NO COST ($1,200 value)

Custom company specific data available for only $1,000

Sign Up for the Benchmark Survey Today!

By electing to participate in the Voice of the Employee (VOE) Benchmark Study, you acknowledge and consent to IMA collecting feedback from your employees via an online survey. IMA will conduct thorough analysis on this data using our proprietary dashboard. You agree that the analysis from the survey data is the intellectual property of IMA.