Risk Control

Claims expenses are large and unpredictable, but clients
can rely on IMA to act as proactive consultants and to
advocate on their behalf to reduce risk exposure and
subsequent claim expenditure.

Insurance by Industry  |  Technology  |  Risk Control

With IMA Risk Control, clients do more than insure against a potential loss. Together with IMA, they actively manage their risks before a claim occurs.

IMA’s approach to managing risk has historically helped companies see an average of

Understands their clients’ current state of on-site safety and works with their clients to develop a plan to achieve future safety goals.

Develops a coordinated service plan, in conjunction with the IMA Claims team, to help manage biggest exposure risks.

Brings expertise from across IMA to provide guidance on best practices for Health, Safety and Environment.

Provides safety training tools, such as videos and experienced trainers who can come on site to train employees on improved safety practices.