Markets in Focus


Q2 2023

Markets in Focus | Education Education Q2 2023

Administrators, educators and parents have known for the past three years that remote learning at the K-12 level left far too many students behind. A recent study found that, due to remote learning or the lack thereof, K-12 students in high- and middle-income countries lost 35% of the progress they would have made in an average school year.1 Many parents and teachers would consider that statistic an underestimation.

In contrast, within higher education, it appears a hybrid or blended learning experience is here to stay.2 There are students who relish the on-campus experience as well as those whose primary concern is to obtain a degree as quickly and efficiently as possible working online, many of whom are also juggling family commitments and job pressures. Higher education institutions need to accommodate both, stretching their resources even further.