Defense Base Act

According to the United States Occupational Health
and Safety Administration, workplace violence is the second-
leading cause of work-site deaths in the United States.

Insurance by Industry  |  Government Contracting  |  Defense Base Act

DBA Insurance: Safeguarding Global Government Workers

Discover the significance of Defense Base Act (DBA) insurance—a mandatory coverage mandated by law for employees engaged in US Government contracts beyond the borders of the United States. Uncover the array of benefits that DBA offers, encompassing disability compensation, comprehensive medical expense coverage, and death benefits.

Scope of Coverage

DBA insurance is designed to provide a robust safety net for workers engaged in overseas government contracts, offering an array of coverage to address various contingencies:

Disability Compensation

In the event of partial or total disability resulting from work-related injuries, DBA insurance ensures employees receive appropriate compensation to support their well-being.

Medical Expense Coverage

Comprehensive coverage extends to medical expenses incurred due to work-related injuries. From hospitalization to rehabilitation, employees can access necessary healthcare without facing financial strain.

Death Benefits

DBA insurance offers death benefits to the surviving dependents in case of a worker’s death due to work-related activities, providing crucial financial support during challenging times.

Understanding the intricacies of these coverage components is essential for both employers and employees. Navigating the complexities of DBA insurance requires expertise, and this is where IMA plays a pivotal role. As specialists in insurance solutions, IMA is equipped to guide your company through the nuances of DBA coverage.