President, Houston
Ricky serves as President of IMA’s Houston office. He is leading both business and office development. Mr. Bryan serves the overall organization with his specialty in highly engineered and complex first party insurance placements including Onshore Energy Industries (i.e. Downstream, Midstream and Petrochemical).
A graduate cum laude of the University of Mississippi with a degree in Risk Management and Insurance, Mr. Bryan also was an active leader in his college fraternal organization. He is an initiated member of Beta Gamma Sigma which placed him in the top 3% of his business school. After college graduation, Mr. Bryan worked as a Junior Broker for a London Market Wholesale Brokerage Firm where he assisted both the U.S. Downstream Energy Property and U.S. General Property teams to obtain insurance capacity by utilizing both the London Company and Lloyd’s Markets. Returning from the United Kingdom in 2009, Mr. Bryan worked for a Global Retail Brokerage firm in Houston, TX. There he was responsible for the placement and servicing of Large Energy Property Accounts with an emphasis on Downstream Energy and Midstream Energy Risks. Immediately prior to joining IMA, Ricky was a Senior Vice President and Senior Client Advisor with Marsh JLT Specialty, a division of Marsh USA, Inc. (NYSE: MMC) and Wortham Insurance and Risk Management. Mr. Bryan has an OIL Advanced Technical Accreditation. He also maintains quality relationships with both Domestic and Foreign onshore energy markets. In 2017 Mr. Bryan was designated Young Guns by Insurance Business America. In 2020 Mr. Bryan was designated Power Broker by Risk & Insurance.