Claims Life Cycle +

Insurance by Industry  |  Private Equity  |  Claims Life Cycle + Coordination

IMA’s first goal is to help clients see around corners so claims don’t happen­—but sometimes, risk is unavoidable. The right processes before, during and after a loss can have a dramatic impact on the claims process.

IMA can help PE firms and their portfolio companies to identify industry trends and provide insights into risk control deployment and claims management. By taking a proactive approach we can help minimize a client’s risk and maximize value at exit.

IMA monitors the risk environment and can help PE firms navigate their historic loss trends to diagnose and mitigate risk at the portfolio level, for more efficient carrier negotiations and to help with corporate board assessments.

With a strategic, tested and proven process, what could be a catastrophic event can instead be reduced to a controlled, managed and quickly closed claim.
Effective claims management means not only lowering a client’s cost of risk, it
also means getting clients back to business as usual, as soon as possible.
IMA has a transparent process designed to efficiently help all parties involved
in the claim, move forward to efficiently resolve the claim.