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Hotel Industry News

Insights, Alerts & Trends | Hotels IATsHotels IATs  june 30

Hotel Industry News

Alliance of the AAHOA and AHLA, solar energy and more


Proposed bipartisan legislation in the Senate would freeze daily travel allowances for federal employees at pre-pandemic levels for the next two years. TheAHLA supports the bill and emphasized that given how much U.S. government employees support the hotel industry, this will aid in industry recovery.


Staffing shortages are rampant across all industries, and the hotel industry is no exception. Managers play a key role in employee satisfaction, and becoming a better manager may make the difference between a smooth-running business and one that is struggling to survive.


MGM Resorts in Las Vegas now derives up to 90% of its daytime power from solar energy. This is a significant milestone in the company’s long-term climate emission reduction goals and serves as a significant example of how the hotel industry can invest in clean energy.


What you can’t do: fix your employees’ existential crisis. What you can do: help alleviate it. Harvard Business Review has some tips on how to do so.


As domestic and international travel surges, hotels may be left out of economic recovery unless their online presence conveys trustworthiness. Hesitant travelers are more likely to book with hotels with strong OTA visibility.


Hotels are reporting a change in customer interest for event planning, with a shift toward hybrid events: those that allow in-person gathering and teleconferencing. Having the right technology could allow even smaller venues to host large hybrid events.


The AAHOA and the AHLA together launched the American Hospitality Alliance. The goal of this partnership is to promote the hospitality industry through advocacy and political engagement at the federal, state and local level, and specifically, getting American Rescue Plan funds directly to hotels that need the money.