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Hotel Industry News

Insights, Alerts & Trends | Hotels IATsHotels IATs  july 14

Hotel Industry News

Hotel markets remain in recession, labor productivity software and more


In spite of an increase in travel, a report from the AHLA shows that 21 out of 25 of U.S. hotel markets remain in a depression or recession. The AHLA and UNITE HERE continue to call on Congress to pass the Save Hotel Jobs Act, as hotels have yet to receive direct aid.


A recent U.S. travel study revealed that most travelers are loyal to hotel brands. This loyalty was greater for those likely to book at the economy level.


Hyatt Hotels Corporation launched World of Care, a global ESG platform, to confront challenges and enact change in the hospitality industry. In part, this involves caring for the planet and working to promote environmentally responsible practices.


Here’s how to use gratitude to guide yourself during an intensive time.


A coalition of industry groups released a document that calls for reopening international travel in the U.S. and includes a blueprint for safely reopening borders. Every week the U.S. remains closed to international travel, the economy loses $1.5 billion in spending.


Low staffing and wage pressure continue to be problematic, and technology may be key to overcoming these issues and aid recovery. Labor productivity software is a solution many hotel operators are turning towardsto increase and drive profitability.


The city of Chicago has enacted a Right to Return to Work ordinance,
which states that Chicago hotels are required to hire back qualified employees who were laid off during the pandemic before hiring new employees. This is a trend unfolding across the U.S., but it may be difficult to enforce.