Severe Cold Weather Alert: Texas
As the weather warms and electricity is restored fully across the state, we expect to see significant damage uncovered, such as cracked water pipes, which has been hidden by consecutive days of below-freezing temperatures.
As we actively monitor the weather developments across Texas, we are reaching out to our partners based in, and with exposures in, Texas to make you aware of the steps we are taking to prepare to assist our clients who suffer losses or damages from this unprecedented storm.
Tips for Freeze Losses:
- Repairs to frozen pipes and resulting property damage could be covered by your Property policy.
- Retain a water mitigation company to soak up the water and prevent mold.
- Take as many pictures as possible to document your loss for the insurance carrier if the adjuster is unable to inspect in person.
- Retain all invoices, receipts, contracts, damaged property, photos, video, and work orders for repairs.
- Take an inventory of the damaged business personal property. For any electronics, be specific as to the model and take pictures of the electronics.
- If you must close operations for a period of time, save financial records. There is usually a waiting period of loss of business income.
As the weather warms and electricity is restored fully across the state, we expect to see significant damage uncovered, such as cracked water pipes, which has been hidden by consecutive days of below-freezing temperatures.
We have mobilized our National Claims Team across all offices to support our clients if damage occurs to your property and we are proactively working with our carrier partners to maximize the speed of response to potential claims. If you need to report a claim, reach out to your carrier and IMA representative.
Please be advised that this webpage is an educational and informational resource only. The views and statements expressed herein are not to be construed as legal advice from the authors or IMA and such communication is not protected under the attorney client privilege. Recipients should seek specific legal advice from competent legal counsel of your choice.