IMA Foundation

Creating positive, powerful change.

We foster a charitable corporate culture because we’re dedicated to giving back.

Founded 50 years ago, the IMA Foundation provides financial support to charitable organizations whose missions drive prosperous communities through economic empowerment and community resiliency.

The IMA Foundation is a 501(c)(3) private foundation, and donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Please consult your tax advisor for specific guidance regarding your donation.

Raised by IMA Foundation Events in 2024

In 2024

Matched by IMA Foundation in 2024 

Volunteered by IMA associates in 2024 


Take the eligibility quiz and apply today (sign-in required).
Deadline is April 4, 2025. Questions? Email

We eagerly work alongside like-minded organizations that share our common values.

Our Vision & Purpose

New Focus Areas for Grantmaking

The IMA Foundation is looking for nonprofit grant partners that directly align with our new focus areas below. These focus areas should be the driving force behind your work and the purpose that guides your organization.

Creating the Workforce of the Future

We aim to help create thriving futures through workforce pathways that enable individuals to achieve economic self-sufficiency.

Empowering Families to Build Financial Security

We aim to enhance financial literacy education and planning to address low understanding of insurance products, financial planning, and risk management that create financial vulnerability and missed opportunities.

Creating Strong Communities Through Emergency Preparedness and Response

We hope to be the community anchor in both the good and the bad times. We are dedicated to improving the quality of life in communities where we work by enabling great community resilience through emergency preparedness and recovery.

Foundation events

Making our
communities better.

The IMA Foundation hosts recreational events in several markets to raise funds, foster community engagement, and develop business relationships.